"Behold, you desire truth in the innermost being." (pslam 51:6)

Monday, August 16, 2010

it;s been awhile

I've been debating for awhile on whether I should bother blogging anymore. With my daily journalings, my
constant facebook updates, my newsletters, and my communication with people...I don't really feel like blogging is needed anymore. I do plan on creating a website sometime in the near future, and people will get more easily updated there.
But for now...I'm not going to delete this blog...maybe i will post things from time to time. But today is just a day to say....I'm done blogging=] I prefer talking with you all through skype and emails much better anyways=]
Thank you to all of you who faithfully check on my blog. i love you, and I will keep you posted in other ways.
Love love LOVE- Kristina

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